Well, Abbey and Mom came to visit recently. I worked a lot during their visit, but we certainly had a great time.
It was fun having some new visitors. We stayed at the Wilderness Lodge. There will be much more pictures later, but below are some views from our porch and also a trail. Little Disney bunnies were right off the trail and I snapped their photos as well.

Plus, there was a geyser (Fire Rock Geyser). I went out early one morning and got some shots of it erupting.

Heading back to the room, I noticed some unusual guests taking advantage of the resort's swimming pool...

We had dinner at a few restuarants, including the Whispering Canyon, the Garden Grove and the Biergarten. We also went to the Magic Kingdom and Epcot.
Here's a quick photo of a Disney K-9 unit helping protect the entrance at the Magic Kingdom.

I'll sum up my work tomorrow. There was lots of sweat. And not just my own.
(That's what we call a teaser, kids.)
Let's wrap up the restuarant tour which was certainly a memorable part of the trip.
Now, at the Whispering Canyon, the waitresses yell at you, throw straws, and generally embarass you. And if you need ketchup, you must yell across the restuarant. Those not using their ketchup are required to bring you their ketchup, so you get like 15 or 20 bottles.
So mom ate in quiet fear.
Abbey's favorite was the Biergarten in Germany (Epcot).

She kept talking in German. Which was annoying because the rest of us don't speak German. And no. I'm not particularly proud of this picture in case you were wondering.
By far the most memorable was the Garden Grove, a character dinner.
Pluto and Goofy were wandering around. Here's Pluto.

For some reason, I think Pluto caught Abbey off guard.
"Abbey! Look behind you!"

I love Pluto, so I had to get my photo with the pooch.
If you look carefully, his tag reads "If found, please return to Mickey Mouse". How precious!

Goofy surprized us.
Especially Mom...

Abbey just tried to ignore the situation.
Or maybe she was trying to wish herself somewhere else. I'm not sure...

Either way, I think she was embarrassed by the encounter.

But don't feel too bad for Abbey. She'll get her revenge.
I think Goofy got the point in the end...

Goofy did forgive us as he came around later and gave us a nice shot of us all.

Good times. Good times.
And see Mom? I didn't publish that embarrassing picture of you wearing Mickey Ears inspired by Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas character, Jack Skeleton.
Now just imagine that face on a hat with spider web ears.
You know, pictures are so much easier. Sorry mom.
So let's look at the censored version.

The uncensored version can be obtained for 29.99 plus shipping and handling or three easy montly payments of 12.87 and we'll cover the shipping!
Order online at
qvc.com or by calling 1-866-427-8283.
Please refer to the Jack Skeleton Uncensored Photo, Product Number: 1971-828998-1138 when ordering. Operators are standing by!