Now, just because something did not make the list doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it. It just didn't make the list.
Let me get to it.
10. Surgery Recovery
What?!? How in the world can that be on the list?
Hold on, give me a chance to explain. This opened up my eyes to something and started a relationship. First off, it was my goal to return to trivia night at Mellow Mushroom as soon as possible. I was able to accomplish that goal and I was proud to do it, especially since the recovery was rough. I also realized how much I really enjoy losing trivia on a weekly basis. Of course, there was the glorious moment when we won it all. The last night before coming to Orlando. It was great! In case you missed the original posting of the animation recreation of the celebration, here it is again...
During the surgery recovery, I also gained an unexpected friend. MJ the dog. This was what I saw everytime I looked at the edge of my bed.
Now, I didn't expect this at all. I never really liked the dog all that much. But, when I was not feeling well and in incredible pain, there was MJ. Head on the bed, wishing me well. Others did too, but this was really a neat thing.
Now, MJ and I are much better friends. We even go out for car rides from time to time. I think she enjoys it.
I think I do too.
I can't wait to see the canine again! Oh, and the rest of the family too! (Of course!)
9. Thrashers Hockey
There are too many great moments to pick one. Hanging out with Chuck in the organ box, meeting up with various friends in the arena, and of course watching the boys in blue.

Awesome times had by all. I can't wait to see my hockey pals again soon. Chuck and Nicole especially. And the reason I've got a Stormtrooper helmet with Chuck will be explained later.
8. Superbowl Party
This is sorta of an odd choice because this is not necessarily just from this year. I really like going over to Kevin's and hanging out during the Super Bowl. It's the only tradition that I really keep. I have a few others, like watching the New Years Day Winter Classic NHL game, but I'm not nearly as religious about that game. Like this year, I will miss the first part of the game due to work. I'm going to try and get off a little early, but I doubt it will happen.
Kevin and I have had a few great moments in sports and just hanging out. I really enjoyed the Gwinnett Braves game too. That was a lot of fun, but it doesn't inspire me as much as the Super Bowl does. Although I did get a homerun ball at the Gwinnett game...
I don't have any pictures from the actual Super Bowl party. Sorry!
7. Belle, Snow White, Stitch, Daisy, and Aurora.
This happened here at Walt Disney World. After I broke my elbow, I was placed on light duty. During this time, I assisted with some of the characters. Namely, those listed above. I did a little bit of work with Senor Donald Duck as well, but not nearly as much. I also worked the exit at Character Spot in Epcot, but never directly with any of those characters.
Why was working with these characters such a rewarding experience? Different reasons for all, but they did have something in common. I got to see people's eyes light up when they met their favorite character or when they met that princess. Notice I said people and not children, because folks of all ages get a kick out of character meetings.
Let me explain some of the reasons for the characters.
Stitch was fun because I got to be the sole character attendant. It was awesome being responsible for this alien. He was a lot of fun, messing with people and causing a little bit of mischief. I got to tell him things like,
"Hey Stitch! Did you forget to lock your spaceship doors? Let's go take care of that. We'll be right back everyone. Come on Stitch!"
We would go off-stage and return a short time later and play some more.
Snow White was the first character I worked with. She was such a princess! She stood by her wishing well all day long (except when we left to go check on her gooseberry pies she was cooking for Grumpy!). She set a high bar for the rest of my character experiences.
S-D-B's. Need I say more? A glorious day in character attending!
Princess Aurora and I only met backstage. She would go to a different part of France than I was stationed, but she was still a princess even when we were not around guests. This was one of the most surreal experiences here at Disney, and dare I say my life. While backstage, we all watched Sleeping Beauty and when you watch a movie sitting on a couch next to the princess on the screen, it's a weird feeling. Not a bad feeling, but a magical one.
Oh, by the way, Briar Rose is only in the movie for a very short amount of time. About 15 minutes or so.
Princess Belle. She was the most wonderful princess ever. My absolute favorite. She reads a lot of books, so she had a great amount of knowledge about a number of subjects. That was good because some princesses have limited experiences (like Aurora only really knows about living in the woods and singing with animals). We could talk about anything, including Star Wars. Turns out she's a big fan (aka, she's nerd)! She would joke around with me onstage a lot, especially when a line had formed but everyone was waiting for the Beast. We would be there, under the shade of a large oak tree, just talking about things. It was nice to have an intelligent conversation on stage with a princess.
Now Stephanie, don't worry. She's taken and I'd never get in the middle of their relationship.
Okay, maybe I would. The Beast was actually kinda boring. He just liked to eat and sleep! But, that's the kind of prince Belle is into.
6. My Birthday Plus...
What did I do on my birthday? Not much. Just dressed up as Darth Vader!
Regina posted some pictures and tells the story over on The Black Bunny Blog. You can look at the birthday fitting session by clicking here.
How freaking cool is that? Now, I was dressing as Vader because I was tapped to play the Sith Lord at the premire of Fanboys, a Star Wars fan movie. The event was a lot of fun and just the first of me donning a helmet. You can check out the acutal movie opening right here.
I borrowed Jesse's stormtrooper helmet a few times for some sporting events and had a blast. Josh and Kyle joined me for one venture, mom for another, and I went flying solo once.
It also gave me the opportunity to work with the Georgia Garrison of the 501st Legion at a few events. Lots and lots of Stormtoopers.
It's very cool to sorta get out of your own skin every now and then. When you create dreams for someone, it makes it that much more rewarding.
5. Braves Season
It's hard to think on my favorite moment from the Braves season. I was constantly on the field assisting with parades, t-ball, or batting practice. I loved the hussle and bussle of the busy crowds outside with the sales line. The parties in the patio suites. The look of pleasure on someone's face when you put that All-You-Can-Eat wristband on them.
We have great fans at Turner Field, good people to work with.
I think, if I had to choose, my favorite moment (and it's self-promoting) would have to be my last day. I worked very hard and tried to do the best I could. I didn't realize how much of an impact I had made until I was surprised by a huge cookie cake and a signed Chipper Jones picture. But it was all the people wishing me well when the news spread of my departure.
I know I wasn't the most popular employee, nor the most influencial. But I apparently made an impact on some folks and it felt good to be reminded of that.
Many fans still chewed me out every game because people are mean and dumb sometimes. And drunk. Alcohol doesn't help.
Georgia State Men's Basketball vs. Towson
Umm, why this game?
Because of the 501st of course! This was the game when a bunch of stormtroopers, a RC and some biker scouts, Lord Vader, a handful of Jedi's and Rebels, Boba Fett, a Tie Pilot, talented handlers, some Imperial Officers, and how about an AT-AT driver?

It was a huge success and really helped me in my sports career because I basically had to plan this whole thing myself. In-game entertainment, security concerns, handling for outside guests, and also promotions.
Thanks to everyone at GSU for making this a success and of course the friendliest villians in the galaxy.
And thanks to my good buddy, Darth Vader - Lord of the Sith.

3. Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party
This was a truly amazing event. I had never had so much fun because it freaked people out, it perplexed others, it was spontanous and well planned, and it was outstanding. Hanging out with friends who, I felt, brought me into their world over an eight hour period of transformation through costume and makeup. This included makeup in the eyes, down the ears, and deep up the nose. One reason it was so great is because I wasn't expecting to take part as a ghost, just a handler.
There's something magical about making dreams a reality, letting people meet the happy haunts. I certainly hope I can do it again with FBO + 1.
Plus, I make an awesome looking ghost!
2. Walt Disney World and What It Means
There are way to many magical memories associated with Walt Disney World. The entire experience has certainly changed me.
I got my Mouseters Degree, learned about security, and worked in a number of different roles on property. Truly magnificent.
But the most important part of Disney is that it is only a place holder. Maybe you know why I'm here now, maybe not. See, I'm trying to get out of college as quickly as possible. I heard about the Disney opportunity and thought it would be beneficial and fun, but it would delay my graduation by at least a semester. Or so I thought.
I went to talk to my advisor to see if this experience would be worth the six months it would take from my life. I walked into the office as a junior and emerged a senior. While looking at what I needed to finish, he figured out that my Associate's Degree from Georgia Perimeter College would count towards several courses. So many in fact that I was only a little more than a semester's worth of classes and an internship away from graduation.
The shock was palpable. And, since I had no idea I was so close to needing the necessary criminal justice internship, I missed the application deadline to graduate this winter. So, I had to take a semester off anyway. Might as well come down to Walt Disney World!
1. Myrtle Beach with Stephanie
It wasn't Myrtle Beach. It was Stephanie. She is such an amazing girlfriend. I love her so much!
This trip was taken in honor of our three year anniversary. We did a few additional things this year outside of Myrtle. We took in a few baseball games (one National League with the Nationals, one American League at Camden Yards for the Orioles). We had some amazing meals including Matchbox, Shane's Rib Shack. We traveled to Berry College, we played in Walt Disney World, we did a lot of great things.
Maybe I should change the heading of number one to "Time With Stephanie", especially since I got burned bad at Myrtle.
Well, that's my year in review. I hope you had some equally as amazing experiences and all the best for the new year to all of you!