Stephanie and I will be celebrating our anniversary by going to Myrtle Beach on Sunday. We'll return to our normal lives on Wednesday.
Stephanie has arranged for us to stay at Ocean Creek Resort. It looks fabulous. We plan to have a nice romantic dinner one night and another go to Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville. Definately look at the link, especially the photos under the "Group Parties" section. This should be fun.
Here are some pictures of the resort.

It will be a great trip. She's flying into Atlanta tonight. We'll borrow the dog for tomorrow (pictured below) and then it's off to our beach paradise!
Changing topics...
Madog has been working on a secret project. It's been super top secret stuff. I'm probably not suppose to be bloging about it because I wasn't given specific permission to.
Black Bunny posted something about it (with approval). Check out The Palpatine Project.
It is really worth looking at. I'm just impressed that I know people capable of pulling off such a feat.
Now, back to Stephanie. And Liz! I put it down here in case Stephanie does for some reason read this blog before our Myrtle trip. It's unlikely. I don't think she looks at work (at least she SHOULDN'T look at work).
Anyway, I asked Liz to create a watercolor for Stephanie. She saw one at Jesse's some time ago and loved it. It was a happy dragon.
I put in some requests, and this is the amazing result.
A happy, donut-loving purple dragon! I really love it. In fact, I made it into a shirt that will come to Disney with me.
This will not be the only present. Just in case she sees this or someone spills the beans, I'll avoid posting the larger gift until after the trip.
In case you haven't already, look at Liz's blog, Puppatoons Blog. There you can read about her own secret project for her main squeeze (Steve) and some ghostly new creations of her own. Not nearly as scary as Madog's, but cute in a ghoulish sort of way. This includes the puppet, Vapor. I really like it!
I'll repost something after Myrtle.
Oh, by the way, I am done with school until Disney. And I only have four Braves games left.
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