I have also been thinking about the things here in Atlanta I'm going to miss. So, I present the ten things I'm going to miss from the Atlanta area.
There are two obvious things missing from the list: family and Stephanie. Considering Stephanie and I are in a long distance relationship, I don't really consider her a part of Atlanta. A major part of my life for sure, but just not Atlanta based. In case you don't know how important Stephanie is to me, scroll down to the bottom of the previous post. She is my everything and I'll continue missing her, just from a different zip code.
As far as family, it is impossible to measure the love and how much I will miss them. Mom, dad, Abbey, Kevin, my grandmother, aunts, uncles and cousins. I don't think I appreciate them as much as I should. I didn't really realize that until after our lunch yesterday when it was too late. The good thing is I'm going to be back in January (plenty of time for the annual Super Bowl party) and enough time to perhaps spend some time with my cousin Ben as well as the rest of the family that I just don't spend enough time with. Ben is starting at Georgia State. Best of luck to him.
Katy: When you read this, let Ben know the best place on campus to buy sodas and snacks is Cinefest. It's the cheapest. Also, he has to go to some of the FREE sporting events. Volleyball and basketball will start soon.
Going back to the nuclear family, I know it's tough on them. That's why they're not on the list because it's immeasurable the amount of love and support they've given me. I don't always appreciate it enough nor do I show it as much as I should. The good news, again, is that I'll be back soon.
So, on to other things.
10. My Bed
It's trivial, I know. But I will really miss having my own space and the opportunity to just relax whenever I want to without having to worry about a roommate. I am very much a people person, but I do love my me time.
9. My DVD's
Speaking of me time, I like to watch DVD's. I haven't watched television (excluding sporting events) since 2008. I will watch it if someone else is, but I have not turned it on for myself. It used to control my life. I would turn on TBS or Peachtree TV and watch reruns over and over. I will have my favorite DVD's in Disney World and I'll watch them on my computer. Still, I'll miss the variety I have.
8. The Varsity

Two chili dogs, fries and a coke. Need I say more?
7. The 501st

They are pretty low on the list because I'm going to be surrounded by characters. Now, in case you didn't know, the 501st is a costuming group that portray Star Wars villians. Even though I've been to several events and actually costumed with them, it's still a surreal experience. Seeing your favorite movie characters come to life is still amazing.
The Georgia Garrison website here
Here's Legion's website.

6. The Weather
Florida is hot. I do like having fall, my favorite season. My understanding is that Florida will not have a nice cool season, so I'm a little bummed about that. I can handle the heat. I just don't want to.
5. Kitten, Nemo, and MJ
The pets. I would say always loving, but the cats have a tendency to scratch. Still, I will certainly miss them.
4. Georgia State University

There is a lot to miss about Georgia State. The Athletics Department has been a pretty big part of my life for the last year or so. Bobby, Carlos, Olivett and everyone in the Sports Arena are some really great people. Where else will you get a group of people to clap along (if not more) that the wait-staff in a restaurant for some strangers birthday? Their humor is great and I will miss working with them during the begining of the basketball season.
Be sure to check out Georgia State Sports here for updates on the Athletics Department, especially on September 2. Big news, including the two semi-finalists on Big Brother. It's that or a new look for Georgia State Athletics. One or the other.
I'll also miss some of the great people I've met at Georgia State, including professors and students. I will NOT miss the parking situation nor will I miss the commute into Atlanta.
3. The Thrashers

This has been a big part of my life for a few reasons. The team is the most obvious, but it's the least important. That smirking chicken represents so much more to me than just the game. I'll be checking the Thrashers site regularly.
It reminds me of the tons of great times I've had at Philips Arena. This is my escape from everything. I will never work for the Thrashers. I am too big of a fan and, again, I use it as a way to tune out of "reality" into a world of fun.
There are also so many great people that I associate with the Thrashers. Nicole is one of them. She has always been my hockey buddy. Anytime I wanted to go to a game, she was always the first person I called. Just a great personality. I should perhaps not include her in the list because she has actually moved to North Carolina, but it's my list and I'll do what I please. Best of luck to her. And yes, Stephanie knows about Nicole.

Chuck is the other. Chuck Bell is my own personal hero. He has been there through some really REALLY rough times in my life. You are a better person just from having met Chuck Bell. I am lucky enough to call him a friend. He also has a great family, his wife Kim and two girls.

If you've ever seen the back of my blue Thrashers jersey, the name and number are BELL 8. People put names of players they want to see, and I always hope to have some interaction with Chuck. Plus, he has the best eight seats in the arena. In case you didn't know it, Chuck is the organist with a box located center ice on the second level.

2. Turner Field

Again, this is not about the Braves. Of course, I want them to do well but again, it's about the great people and outstanding experiences I've had there. From the front office people, to my managers, to the our staff, to other staffs, I will miss Turner Field.
On my last day (Saturday), they presented me with a signed Chipper Jones picture and a massive cookie cake. I was honestly touched by these gestures and all the kind words from everyone that pulled me aside. I don't want to brag, but I never knew that many people appreciated my hard work and effort.
Since I don't get the Braves Radio Network in Disney, I'll be at the Braves website alot.

1. The Black Bunny Crew

Most are members or affiliated with the 501st, but I consider this a seperate group. This new gaggle of friends are some pretty special people. Captain, Madog, Blow-Up Stuff Brownie, Stowaway, Vitale 1 & 2, Powder Monkey, Dr. Who, DeTag, everyone.
I'll miss the trivia nights, the armor parties, the random get-togethers, all of it. It's just so nice to be yourself and be completely accepted for it.
The interesting thing about the Crew is about half are in the art or performance business (SFX, animation, puppetry). I always thought I was a pretty good at some of that stuff, but they are amazing professionals at their crafts. If you've never seen their work, check this out. These are clips from adultswim's "Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law". Hilarious show. It basically is about a old cartoon character finding a second profession as a litigator. Awesome. The first clip is very appropriately Disney-esque. The second is more typical Birdman humor. One of my all time favorite shows. It is not currently in production. Sadness.
(Note: If the clips don't play, it's probably my fault. I'm still working on successfully posting videos and slideshows. There are links below. Definately check them out.)
Click here for Birdman Singing or here for the hilarious Jetsons Meeting Birdman. Be aware the website will automatically start playing the next clip after the one you're watching is done.
Also, look at all the fun, fluffy things at Puppatoons.
The other half of the Crew is in law enforcement agencies and sciency type stuff. It's an interesting mix of folks that I've grown to love.
I am truly going to miss hanging out with them. Luckily, many of them will be going to Disney World so I will only have to wait a short time till I see them again.

I'll talk to you again from the "Happiest Place on Earth"!
We're going to miss you to Zack! We'll see you down there come Sept/October! Be good, stay cool and your helmet is waiting on you when you get back!