I know. I know. I'm there a lot. And it's not even my favorite park. That is Hollywood Studios. But I was on a mission. To get character photos.
The blog title is very appropriate. It's me with a lot of characters, mostly princesses.
I will put up some photos of Saratoga Springs later on down the blog.
But first, me. I'm so vain! Unfortunately, I only have the one look on my face. Not exactly a flattering look either.
I had an interesting exchange with Princess Aurora. As proof, I offer not one picture but two that the photographer snapped while I first met her. Listen, I just wanted a photo since no one else was waiting and she looked amazing...ly bored. Briar Rose (that's Sleeping Beauty's real name AKA Princess Aurora) liked my shirt and was talking to me about it. I swear she was the one who wanted to engage is so much conversation, not me! I mean, what was I suppose to do? Not talk to an interested Princess? Of course not. So I was the gentleman (or Prince, as it were) and kept the words flowing and the conversation going.
But somehow the pictures just make me a geek talking to a disinterested Princess...
But I did get up close (but not as personal) with some S-D-Bs!
So I suppose all is right with the world!
By the way. They raised the price on parking at the parks very recently. You have to have some serious moolah to get in now. You want proof? Take a look at the cars in the parking lot!
Saratoga Springs is modeled after the horse racing culture of upper New York State. Wow, it's nice.
Below are some pictures of The Artist's Palette, a quick service foot restaurant where people can draw pictures and hang them up. It's meant to resemble a struggling artist's loft in New York City with the roomy-ness and the brick.
The Chinese man sitting on the bench outside the Palette is my new roommate, Harry. He's from just outside of Bejing China. He went with me on this particular excursion. He's a great guy studying English.
Funny side story then back to Saratoga: I remembered I brought some movies down in a large DVD storage case. I told Harry he was welcome to watch some if he wanted, so I got out the case and we went through it. And what do I see? Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon! I pop it in. If you don't know, CTHD is a movie that came out maybe 10 years ago. It's Chinese, set in Ancient China, and spoken totally in Mandarin with (in America) English subtitles.
Harry said it was funny because for the last two years in school he's watched nothing but American movies and now that he has an American roommate in the United States for the first time, what are we watching? A film totally in Chinese!
If you are familiar with the movie, you might like to know that Harry thinks most of the translation is very good EXCEPT the main villian. Her name according to the subtitles is "Jade Fox". Harry thinks it should be "Jade-Eyed Fox", which is actually cooler.
Back to the photos.
There was also a room at Saratoga Springs devoted to popular horses from the Disney films, including Khan. Why is that somewhat significant around here at this time of year? Stay tuned to this blog to find out. Or, head on over to the amazing Puppatoons Blog where Liz might post something about Khan before I do.
Some of those horse photos didn't turn out quite right, but I'm working on it!
TTFN. Much more to come a little later.
One day I really need to do a blog entry on the Great Disney Horses. Such as Phillippe,Khan,Cyril,Gunpowder,Bullseye,FrouFrou,Buck,ad I'm sure there are others...