"Hello! Today we are visiting the country of France. I love this area, especially all the wonderful pastries. There are also hidden treasures, but we will get to that later. Can you believe I didn't get a good picture of the Eifel Tower when I was there? Me neither! Long Live France!"
Yes, France is the next stop for my beloved Stephanie. She will be in Paris for a few days. Maybe they will have some funny, chair stacking waiters like those pictured below. If not, they will definately have some impressive gardens and rivers. Maybe she'll see the real spitting gargoyle. The one at EPCOT was modeled after the one at Notre Dame. Also below is a beautiful painting in the making. Looks like the painter stepped away for a moment.
France is the home to many characters. Princess Belle (whom I love!), Sleeping Beauty (Princess Aurora), the Beast, and Marie. While on special assignment, I actually worked with all of these characters. And I mean the exact characters pictured. Belle is a huge Star Wars fan. Don't forget, she reads books so it's okay to talk to her outside of her own story. Unlike Aurora. However, when we were offstage, I watched the movie Sleeping Beauty while sitting on the couch with Aurora. Pretty surreal. If you look closely enough, you can even find the chef rat Remy running around...
France is home to some smelly perfume (that gives me a headache) and rows and rows of wine in Les Vins de France. Looks great, but I don't drink wine so I did not sample any.
One of the great hidden treasures of France could be found in the bookstore. Here, you can find some stained glass from "Beauty and the Beast" as well as the enchanted (cursed) rose on a bookshelf.
There's a fine bakery. Right next to La Casserole. This facade is one of Stephanie's favorite signs in all of EPCOT. She gets a real kick out it.
Stop by the train station as well. It has some places to enjoy your pastries and is very cool to just look at.
Finally, we end at the fancy restuarant, Les Chefs de France. Swanky.
So, where will Stephanie find herself next? We shall see. Check back later. Oh, and I will feature the African Outpost when she goes to Greece.
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