We will take a quick look at this team as we countdown to the Winnipeg Jets season opener.
This is the perhaps the most ellusive of all the ice crew cheerleader types in the NHL regarding pictures.
Seriously. Here's the best I could find.

Okay, so that's Snooki and not a Devils Dancer, but I am obligated to mention the Jersey Shore by blog law if I talk about New Jersey. Still, you might just as dissatisfied with the actual results. Not in terms of the girls not being attractive, but there just aren't that many good pictures of them.

These were the best of the best. I think a photo of the mascot snuck in there because there just aren't a lot of pictures of these girls.
But I secretly like the Jersey Devil if for not other reason, this ESPN commercial.
Still not as good as this one.
The Devil Dancers do have quite the dramatic coach, Amanda Grace.

She develops what I'm sure is a good looking game atmosphere. I have to assume that because I'm not finding photographic proof of it.
However, the team (at least last year's team) has quite a diverse crew with some interesting bios of their life away from The Rock that might actually be more interesting than their dances inside the arena.
Here we have Alyssa.

She is French and Italian by heritage and speaks Italian. Very cool.
This is Liana.

Liana is a first generation Cuban-American having parents born in Havana. She was once a dancer on the Jets Flight Crew (the NFL New York Jet's Cheerleaders), but more interesting is she is a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. So she can whoop your butt if you hit on her the wrong way. Just saying.
And then you have Nicole.

She claims to love coffee, frozen yogurt and shoes. She is never without painted nails.
Okay, so not everyone on the team is a blackbelt or bilingual, but she hosted (not just volunteered or danced for) a big event with a volunteer organization, Big Brothers Big Sisters. So kudos to her.
Let's meet Alisha.

Not a black belt. Never hosted a big event, though she did volunteer with soup kitchens in high school. I don't think she speaks any other languages, but she is one smart cookie. A graduate of NYU with a degree in Mathmatics and Economics. Kinda if Penny and Sheldon were put in a blender.

This is a very rare girl. A Buckeye alum from OSU, she is one of the .5% of women who are color blind.
Have you ever tested yourself for color blindness? You know, those circles where you are suppose to tell what shape or number is in them?

I've always wondered what the world would look like with colorblindness.

Here are some other examples, starting with the circle test. The first circle is normal, the second is how those with Protanopia see it and the last is how those with Deuteranopia see it.

And here's how some berry trees look.

Wait a second. So they can't really see red with a Dichromat condition? Doesn't that make cheering for the Devils kinda hard? Or worse yet...

So what is this whole color blindness thing? What's the difference in variations?
Lacking the long-wavelength sensitive retinal cones, those with the Protanopia condition are unable to distinguish between colors in the green–yellow–red section of the spectrum. Those with Deuteranopia unable to distinguish between colors in the green–yellow–red section of the spectrum because they are lacking the medium-wavelength cones. Both of those are only found in males.
Then, there's Tritanopia (less than 1% of males and females): Lacking the short-wavelength cones, those affected are unable to distinguish colors along the blue–yellow dimension. This form of color blindness is not sex-linked.
Here's how the world looks to those with Tritanopia.

Oh. So Aubrey sees the entire world in kinda a redish hue. So everything to her is Devils. I get it better now.
Let's go ahead and meet the rest of the team (presented in normal colors).

Very nice collection of fine young ladies with their bio pages. But I'm still a little disappointed with the lack of pictures of the girls in game. Well, thanks to Aubrey once again for some inspiration. She went to Ohio State University which has the coolest marching band manuever ever in college sports.
The Incomparable Script Ohio.
Did you see that? It's one long line that runs through itself, like one was writing the word "Ohio" with a pen. And the dotting of the "i" with a sousa phone. It doesn't get any better than that, and yes, I'm being completely serious.
And now I'm happier. Mission accomplished Devils.
And Buckeyes.
-A full list of ice crews can be found here.-
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