Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Disney's Yacht and Beach Club Resort (This Not That as well)

These two resorts are combined and often considered to be one resort. Technically they are two seperate ones, but one rarely talks about one without talking about the other. Think of the Swan and Dolphin. Two resorts coupled together almost aways.

I don't have a ton of pictures for these resort, but I love some of the ones presented.

Let's start with the Beach Club. Oh, you can tell the Yacht Club from the Beach Club because the Beach Club is blue and the Yacht is gray (grey?). The Yacht is also a little bit more upper class. It's darker and nicer with finer restaurants. The Beach Club has larger windows and is therefore sunnier and brighter.

Again, the Beach Club.

And now the Yacht Club.

It was pretty cloudy the morning I took these pictures and it was before I figured out how to remove that orangey glow from everything.

Anyway, the Yacht and Beach Club share a common pool. It's really awesome. There's a wreaked pirate ship with a water tube slide that goes from one side of the sidewalk to the other. The pool also has an impressive windmill. But perhaps the most unique feature is the pool itself. It's a sandy bottom pool which is a really neat idea. One can build sand castles right in the pool.

Near the pool you can find Beaches and Creme. This popular dessert place serves a wonderful dish called "The Kitchen Sink." Look at the menu for a description.

The menu doesn't mention that it is served in an actual kitchen sink!

Wowzers! Now I'm all hungry. I wonder how many calories it has. I'll have to check with Stephanie before I order one. She has the worst book in my personal history. "Eat This, Not That." Basically, if you don't know the book, it shows a restaurant and on one page has all the healthy things and the other has all the not healthy things. There's an unwritten agreement that I'm not suppose to have anything on the "Not That" page.

So what's in the book? Well, you can check out the website. Here's some examples from the site. All of the food pictures and descriptions are from the website.

Samples from The 20 Best Foods in America

20. Best Blended Coffee Drink
Smoothie King Skinny Coffee Smoothie Mocha
(20 oz)
160 calories
2 g fat (0 g saturated)
13 g sugars
17 g protein

The secret is in the smoothie chain’s ability to keep it simple. This drink, as long as you order it “skinny,” consists of nothing more than coffee, nonfat milk, and chocolate-flavored protein. The only sugar in the cup is that which occurs naturally in milk, so it comes with a shipment of calcium and amino acids in tow. That’s a massive boon for your bones and muscles.

18. Best Fast Food Breakfast
McDonald's Egg McMuffin
300 calories
12 g fat (5 g saturated)
820 mg sodium

We’ve been behind the Egg McMuffin since the dawn of Eat This, Not That! and the reason is threefold. One, it’s incredibly lean by breakfast-sandwich standards; two, it comes stacked with 18 grams of hunger-fighting protein; and three, there’s probably one on your way to work.

12. Best Drive-Thru Combo Meal
Chick-fil-A Chargrilled Chicken Sandwich with Medium Fruit Cup and Unsweetened Iced Tea
360 calories
3 g fat (0.5 g saturated)
1,320 mg sodium

Surprise, surprise, you can get a healthy meal in the drive-thru lane. Here you have a full meal for 360 calories, and between the chicken and fruit, it provides 27 grams of protein, 40 percent of your day’s vitamin A, and more than 2 days of your vitamin C. Choose this over a Big Mac with medium fries twice a week, and in a year’s time, you’ll have cut almost 17 pounds of flab off your belly.

8. Best Drive-Thru Burger
Wendy's ¼-Pound Single
430 calories
20 g fat
(7 g saturated, 1 g trans)
870 mg sodium
25 g protein

In the shadow of so many elephantine burgers, we pay homage to Wendy’s ¼-Pound Single. Sure you can find burgers with fewer calories, but for one that’s portioned to be a meal in and of itself, this is your best option. Seriously, we’ve carefully compared the weight and calories of many of the food industry’s most popular patties, and calorie for calorie, you won’t find more burger for your bite.

4. Best Pasta Dish
Olive Garden Linguine alla Marinara
430 calories
6 g fat (1 g saturated)
900 mg sodium

When it comes to ordering pasta out, the simpler the better. While flourishes like sun-dried tomatoes, grilled chicken, and pesto may seem like safe add-ons, they’re telltale signs of overwrought, oversize bowls of noodles likely to cost you the better part of your day’s caloric allowance. This classic red sauce pasta from Olive Garden couldn’t be more straightforward­—and there’s something perfectly satisfying about that.

And now on to my favorite part of the list, samples from the 20 Worst Foods in America!

19. Worst Breakfast
Cheescake Factory French Toast with Bacon
1,849 calories
65 g saturated fat
3,114 mg sodium
98 g carbohydrates

What is going on in the kitchen at the Cheesecake Factory? With the number of staggering offenders on their menu, we could have created an entire 20 Worst list just for them. The breakfast menu alone plays to more than a dozen items with more than 1,000 calories. About a third of those carry more than 2,000. Is that really what you want for your first meal of the day?

18. Worst Sit-Down Appetizer
Applebee’s Appetizer Sampler
2,500 calories
49 g saturated fat
6,520 mg sodium
157 g carbs

Nothing spells nutritional doom more decidedly than a “sampler” platter. The idea is that by eating only a little bit of a bad thing, you won’t suffer severe caloric consequences. That’s true in theory, but not when you’re eating a little bit of several bad things—in this case mozzarella sticks, spinach and artichoke dip with chips, cheese quesadilla, and Buffalo wings. Truth is, the traditional sampler is actually little more than a roundup of all the worst appetizers, and ordering it will almost certainly saddle you with more calories than any one of those appetizers would have on its own.

10. Worst Food Invention
Domino's Chicken Carbonara Breadbowl Pasta
1,480 calories
56 g fat
(24 g saturated, 1 g trans)
2,280 mg sodium
188 g carbs

Here’s the breakdown: The noodles here contribute 200 calories, the sauce and toppings another 440. And finally, the bread bowl itself contributes a staggering 840 calories and 138 grams of carbohydrates. It’s like eating 12 slices of Pepperidge Farm White Sandwich Bread alongside your pasta dish, and all of those calories are the kind that spike your blood sugar and force your body to store away more fat. We used to harp on Panera’s Sourdough Soup Bowl, but it looks tame next to the Domino’s disaster.

7. Worst Sit-Down Ribs
Outback Steakhouse Baby Back Ribs (full rack)
3,021 calories
242 g fat
(90 g saturated fat)
4,648 mg sodium

We hope the guys at Guinness World Records are paying attention: Outback now holds the dubious distinction of serving the first nationally available entrĂ©e in America to pack more than 3,000 calories­. Congratulations.

4. Worst Fries
Five Guys Fries (large)
1,464 calories
71 g fat (14 g saturated)
213 mg sodium

Unfortunately, Five Guys doesn’t offer anything but fries in the side department. Your safest bet, of course, is to skip the fries altogether (you’d be better off adding a second patty to your burger), but if you can’t bring yourself to eat a burger sans fries, then split a regular order. That will still add 310 calories to your meal, but it beats surrendering more than 75% of your day’s calories to a greasy paper bag.

2. Worst Sweet Drink
Cold Stone PB&C Shake (Gotta Have It size)
2,010 calories
131 g fat (68 g saturated, 2.5 g trans)
880 mg sodium
153 g sugars

There were dozens of contenders in line for this dishonorable distinction, but Cold Stone’s PB&C is the only drink in America to stretch across the 2,000-calorie mark. The combination of peanut butter—good in small amounts, horrendous when liquefied in bathtub-size quantities—and chocolate ice cream outpaces even the worst cookie- and candy-strewn shakes that clutter Cold Stone’s embarrassing shake menu. Suck this thing down and you’ve just blasted away a day’s worth of calories, more than 3 days’ worth of saturated fat, and almost as much sugar as an entire 15-ounce box of Chewy Chips Ahoy! Cookies.


Now I'm all hungry! But you know what's not on the list? The kitchen sink! So I guess it's okay to eat, right?


  1. I love the looks of the Yacht Club. Looks like my kinda place.

  2. Yikes I totally have eaten that french toast breakfast from Cheesecake Factory a few times!! I'm breaking my own rule :(

    From: You can probably guess who ;)
