The team has decided to take on the old Jets name. I disagree with this decision. Yes, the name has recognition with the fanbase. But that's because they loved their old Jets team. There is nothing to say this "new" Jets team will be any good. It may leave a bad taste in the mouths of fans when they hear "Go Jets Go". It's not for certain, but it is a possibility.
Regardless, the owners have said they are not going to use the same logo or jerseys. How much will they tweek it? Who knows. It was disappointing to hear the announcement of the new team name on Friday night because I think having the same name will undoubtedly cause a merger of the two Jets teams in the scope of history. But the bigger disappointment for me was when their first round draft pick walk up to the podium. Everyone else got to sport something like this:

And the Winnipeg picks? They stroll up and are presented with this.

Lame. The name was leaked earlier in the day, so I waited with baited breath for the new logos, new jerseys, the whole look. And I got a big black jersey with the NHL shield. They have not released the look. Although, the response was legit from the owners. They said that they debated long on the new name because they wanted to get it right, and they kept coming back to Jets. So they decided to go with it. Once they decided, they (assumingly) got a design and sent it to production. That's the reason for the delay. They probably have a design, but they didn't want to unveil it until it could be sold to cut down on copycats.
I get that. Makes total business sense.
So let's look at what has been done in the world of hockey jerseys, just for fun.
By the way, I got the photos from an awesome blog about the look of hockey, . The logos and drawn versions of the jerseys are from another amazing website,
Okay, back to the look of hockey nowadays.
We got the Florida Panthers returning to the red jerseys. The Oilers are also coming back to their original colors for their road white jerseys. But then things get interesting with some "new" looks.
The Kings took a page out of the Oilers and Panthers book by returning to an old look. Here's their new jersey, this time in home black.

Granted, that's not a bad looking sweater. But they had a much cooler looking one before.

The accents of purple were unique in the NHL. They really stood out. It's a color not used anywhere else. So it's a real shame that they now look so much like everyone else. One has to wonder if they are trying to create a unique branding in Los Angeles itself and not the rest of the NHL because of the predominaent use of purple with the Lakers NBA team. Or to distinguish themselves from the Sacramento Kings of the NBA. Let's look at their logos and you tell me. Lakers, Sacramento Kings, and the LA Kings, original, old and new.

I get going away from the old one. It is very Laker-looking. And the Lakers are Los Angeles sports. But I see the distinct difference between the two Kings. I hate that the purple is completely gone from the NHL Kings. Sadness.
Now let's take a look at two teams that went for new looks. We've got the Tampa Bay Lightning.

Wait. What logo is that?

Haven't I seen that before on a shirt or something?

That's whose's logo again?

So, it's not really original. In fact, it sends the message of "superhero" rather than hockey. Granted, it is a lot easier on the eyes than the old logos. I just think they are so simplictic.

See what I mean? But still. Color swapping the Flash isn't really a new look that fits in a hockey ring. Just saying.
That brings us to the Nashville Predators. With their yellow home jerseys.

I am in so much debate with myself right now on whether or not I like this. I kinda like the logo.

But the old one was equally awesome. Or was it more so? You decide.

The old one is much busier, lots more colors. But I still like it. I just can't decide which is better of the two. They are both clearly better than the old secondary logo.

What the hell? I get that the team was named after a sabertooth tiger skull they found, but still.
The jersey I'm not so keen on. The old one had silver space suit -esque sleeves, so it was a little bit esoteric.

But mustard yellow? I villified the Kings for going away from a color no one else uses, so it would stand to reason I should love the Preds for thinking outside the box with a color, while used by some in the NHL, is not the predominate color in anyone's jersey. But everyone else is in the box for a reason. I'm not sure yellow will look good on the ice. This one I'm going to have to see game footage of before I make up my mind.
The Hockey Cup Worst NHL Logo Champion once again would be the Dallas Stars.

How lame and boring. Really Dallas? You can't come up with something more creative than your own name spelled with the top point of a star? True, other teams spell their name (Rangers, Oilers, Islanders, Maple Leafs), but here's my big issue. The Star's gold border isn't connected. I think that makes it look stupid. Even dumber than the words "Toronto Maple Leafs" on an outline of a maple leaf. By the way, to be gramatically correct, the word is "leaves" but who's checking?
Maybe you'll make up for it with a kick ass home jersey...

Really? The word DALLAS above a number? That's how you make up for a connect the dots logo where the kid didn't even finish connecting the dots?
Let's get back to Winnipeg for a minute. They are still in search of some jerseys and logos. Well, Chris from Icethetics puts up user submitted designs and some are outstanding. My favorites are below. For more jersey design concepts on the icethetics blog, look here , or here . Don't expect to see these on the ice, but man some of them would be really sweet. I love the redesigned logo on the last ones and the retro look third jersey, the red one.

I like the alternate logo on the concept below. It was designed before the team name was known, so the designer assumed it would be the Moose still. But I love how they have a logo that combines the two teams, Moose and Jets.

Hope you have enjoyed this. I love the look of hockey, so expect that from time to time.
The third design featuring a stylized F-22 Raptor with an aeronautic testing probe sucks. You sell a team away from the United States and put a United States designed, tested and fielded plane on it? Poor idea. I also do not like the second one with the exhaust forming a stick or the first one as it looks like a big cross (Christian hockey.......naaah.......ain't going to cut it). If they are going to be called the "Jets", then they are going to have come up with something better than a cliche' icon. Poor choice of names in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI could actually handle and do personally like the Ross Taylor designed logo. I t features a jet that is french, a French Mirage, a plan flown by Canada. I like that one. An iconic French/Canadian. It is a bit to technically correct. I would stylize it a bit more to remove some of the more unique aspects (forward canard delta wings, etc.).
ReplyDeleteWow, I never even considered the whole American jet versus Canadian Jet aspect. These are just fan concept drawings done for fun, so I doubt as much thought went into them (like what your line of thinking is) as the actual team will think of.
ReplyDeleteLove your way of thinking though! If the real logo features a jet with features (unlike the previous ones with a dashing triangle or generic outline), I will certainly be looking towards your analysis first!