And the waiting continues.
And it sucks. It really is like waiting for a big event. Vacation, holiday, whatever. The anticipation is building. But those usually have a date set. The logo unveil does not. It will be exciting to see something new and different. Reports indicate a couple of things:
The final adjustments are being made at this time to the designs. Small tweeks, nothing major. So if anyone is trying to influence the team, "contributions to any type of contest aren’t going to be considered because we’re long past that stage. To take in a new concept or logo now would mean the jerseys would not be ready for the beginning of the season," says Jets director of corporate communications Scott Brown. “That doesn’t mean it’ll be announced any time soon."
So, according to Brown, the team isn’t seeking input on it from outside the organization. Is this a bad thing? Not necessarily. I mean, sure, you kinda want some input from outside sources to a degree, but it doesn't mean that the team doesn't know what they are doing. But I'm holding off judgement till I see some logos. If they are George Lucas circa Episode One, yeah. I'm ticked they didn't seek outside influence.

Really George? Jar Jar? You think that's a good idea? You know what's a better idea?

But some artists do what they want and it is simply incredible. Forget outside influence, the world just doesn't know what's really going on. They can't grasp the vision. Do that and you might get some amazing results...

Or, even moreso...

On a side note, I think the performance by Christoph Waltz as Col. Hans Landa, the “Jew Hunter” in Inglourious Basterds is perhaps the best acting ever. Seriously. I really find myself hating character, but I can't look away.
My point is this: I don't see the lack of outside influence as an automatic indicator of failure or a bad logo for the Winnipeg Jets, as many others do. Sure, they could Jar Jar Binks it, come out with something that everyone in the "yes man" conference room loves but the public hates, but it could come out amazing and awesome. Something we never would have thought of, but can't live without.
So what will the new logo look like? What's the timeline even if the dates are not set out yet? Chairman Mark Chipman made some indicators at the Draft that the Jets logo will look dramatically different than the old one. This logo will be before the jersey unveiling.
Any real hints as to the actual design, not just "it's different"? Colors? Maybe some 'save the dates' upcoming for some 'big announcements' regarding 'the look of the team'? Are we to expect a character like the Panthers or wordmark, Ducks style? Sorta a big letter type logo like Boston's "B" or an action scene thing like the Sharks? Anything you want to tease us with? Is it all artistic like the Wild or similar to the Islanders (and the old Winnipeg logo) with a circle, word/drawing combo? Are we talking simple, Lightning-like, or is it more highly detailed, Red Wings-ish? What can we expect? Any hints?
Okay. Take that as a no.
I do know there is major pressure to release the logo by, well, any company that has anything to do with logos. Like the NHL and its clubs. They need to start incorporating them in promotional material, ticket stubs, decorations and the sort. But you know who is really pushing hard? Trading card company Upper Deck. They said that lack of logo and uniforms is really throwing a wrench in their ability to get the cards made for Winnipeg.
We do know that everything will be unveiled by September 11. The Vancouver Canucks are hosting a rookie camp that starts that day, and the Jets have said the rookies will be wearing the team jerseys in the tournement.
I don't expect a reveal (officially at least) more than 2 weeks before that. That's not official or anything, just a hunch. If I had to guess dates of logo reveal, jersey reveal and if the logo will be leaked (which is exactly what I had to do for
the Icethetics Jets Unveiling Pool, I would guess August 11 for a logo veiling, and September 2 for the jersey.
By the way, are you curious as to why they are taking so long to unveil things? It has to do with (what else), money. And the Jets are wanting to make some money on this. After all, they are a business. See, if they release the logos or the jerseys before they are available through officially liscenced channels, knockoffs will appear and go very very quickly. Especially if there is no legit alternative. Jerseys take longer to make, so that's probably the reason for the delay inbetween the two reveals. Either that, or build up more momenteum, more conversation about the team.
I will say it is very frustrating and I hope it's all worth the wait. Maybe the official spokesman for the Winnipeg Jets will have something to say in the near future about the logo or jersey unveil...

...or maybe not.
By the way, I've reached a decision about the Nashville Predators new "gold" jerseys. And I like them. I was if-fy at first, but now I'm all about some Predators. Here are some looks at the road jersey, first seen on Draft Night.

And now, thanks to Smashville 24/7, we can see some details about the new yellow (gold) jerseys.

I'm going to say that it is really nice how much music they incorporated without looking too insane and out of place. You've got the guitar strings on the numbers, the guitar pick on the shoulder (with the Tennessee star-circle incorporated) and the piano inner lining. That's the wicked awesome part.
Plus, it doesn't look like this anymore:

Eww. It looks like a rotten banana. Or brown mustard. Not good.
Major kudos to the Predators for taking a risk and wearing a gold jersey for the primary. And for returning to a yellow jersey after having worn one as an alternate from 2000 until 2007. An alternate many in the logo critiquing business cut down on.
For those curious about why I'm referring to the new threads of the Nashville Predators as "gold" when the jersey is pretty obviously "yellow", it's because the new advertising campaign is "BEHOLD THE GOLD".
That's about it from me for now. In honor of the tight-lipped people up in Winnipeg not giving up any details about the new look for the team, I give you Johann Lippowitz (the stage name of David Armand) performing Natalie Imbruglia's "Torn". In mime.
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