Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween!

I present to you two different things for this day. Definately PG-13. Seriously, don't look if you are easily offended. This is a very different blog entry than my normal ones.

First, we have a bunch of Disney Villians staring in a Marilyn Manson recording of "This Is Halloween" from Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas.

Next, we have some renderings of Disney Princesses from illustrator Jeffrey Thomas.

Now, I don't exactly approve of what he did to my beloved princesses, but it seems highly appropriate for Halloween.

Happy Halloween! Be safe trick-or-treating kids. Wear reflective clothing, do not enter a strangers house or vehicle, use a light, have a parent or other trusted adult close by, and do not eat anything until it can be inspected for possible tampering.